Jurus Strum Formula Harga Pasaran : RM95.00 Harga Promosi : RM85.00 Tempoh Promosi : 1 Bulan Sahaja. What is Jurus Strum Formula...

Jurus Strum Formula

Jurus Strum Formula

Jurus Strum Formula

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Jurus Strum Formula

Harga Pasaran : RM95.00
Harga Promosi : RM85.00

Tempoh Promosi : 1 Bulan Sahaja.

What is Jurus Strum Formula?

Jurus Strum Formula in the ancient art of keeping healthy and longevity. The Malai/Malays were the first race to introduce the art of healing, herbal medicine and healthy life. Their knowledge was kept secret in a vast book called "Malaiyana Mulayanam" (The Root of All Knowledge), consisting of 173 books. The book on health and medicine is called "Malaiyapurasailikanamlokaadhitahnam," consisting of 9 volumes (smaller books). One of such smaller books is called "Malaiyapurasailikanamlokaadhitahnamkulavirathasridhasasuram" (yes, most of the books have very long names).

"Malaiyana Mulayanam" was introduced by Mahasiddha Svayana more than 790,000 years ago in Buwana Svarnabhumi Tanah Sunda ("Alam Malayu/Malai/Malay). At that time the Malays were united as ONE race. Due to the eruption of Mt Batara Guru (its crater becoming Lake Toba and its peak becoming Samosir Island in Sumatera, Indonesia), the adjacent earth crust in the Indian Ocean was crumbling and many parts of the world were covered with debris and smoke. This catastrophe resulted the melting of some ice caps in the North & South Poles, causing the rise of sea levels and super tsunami. Due to this massive disaster, some land masses of the "Alam Malayu/Malai/Malay were submerged into the sea (becoming the present South China Sea, Sulu Sea, Java Sea and the Gulf of Siam). Before this tremendous catastrophic disaster, the land of "Alam Malayu/Malai/Malay was vast in size, stretching from Ceylon (Sri Lanka) to Taiwan. The land loss was more than twice the size of India.

Thereupon, many of the population were scattered and dispersed to other dry lands. Later, they divided themselves into ethnic groupings, such as Javanese, Sundanese, Acehnese, Bugis, Batak, Iban, Kadazandusun, Khmer, Filipino, etc. After thousands of years, Hinduism and Buddhism entered the "Alam Malayu/Malai/Malay of which the kings, aristocrats and the masses converted to those religions. The Malay identity was slowly losing its identification. Later, Islam religion entered this region of which the kings, aristocrats and the masses left Hinduism and Buddhism to embrace Islamic religion. The Malay identity was diminished. Later, the Western Colonialists and Christianity came into this region of which many Malays (such as Batak, Iban, Kadazandusun, Filipino, etc) embraced this religion. Then the Western Colonialists (the Dutch, British, Spaniards, Portuguese and later the Americans) divided the "Alam Malayu/Malai/Malay into countries, becoming Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Burma (Myanmar), Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Kampuchea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Polynesia, Melanesia and Hawaii. So the Malay identity was totally lost forever.

I am very lucky to inherit this secret ancient knowledge of keeping fit and healthy, known as JURUS STRUM FORMULA.

Due to popular demand, I have to produce these healthy products with my wife, Zarina Zakaria with the same name, i.e., JURUS STRUM FORMULA. Jurus Strum Formula consists of three products, namely Jurus Strum Formula Soap, Jurus Strum Formula Aroma, and Jurus Strum Formula Lotion.


a) Benefits:
To make the skin becoming soft and tender, eliminating dead skin cells,
cleansing and whitening the skin (resulting the skin becoming firm and
slow down the effect of aging)

b) Usage
While bathing, apply this soap, first to the face and later to other parts of the

c) Ingredients:
"Gamat" (sea cucumber) and other medicinal herbs.

a) Benefits - to give a refreshing feeling to the body, relaxing and mental alertness

b) Usage
Put 2-3 drops of this Arome into a bucketful of water. Rinse the whole body,
after step (1)

c) Ingredients - lavender and other aromatic selected flowers.

a) Benefits:
To reduce wrinkle, celluloid and unnecessary fats in parts of the
body, to stimulate body cells, to upgrade blood flow in the body and to
activate nerve points (especially in the hands/fingers and feet/toes).
It is good for women after child-birth.

b) Usage:
Apply this lotion and rub gently to the affected parts of the body, especially
stomach, hands and legs.

c) Ingredients:
Ginger, lemon grass, lime, lavender, and other medicinal herbs

Use the Jurus Strum Formula products in the morning and at night.
Jurus Strum Formula products are good for men and women.

JURUS STRUM FORMULA is registered as a Company with the Malaysian
Companies Commission (SSM) in 2011 to produce and market the Jurus
Strum Formula products throughout the world.

Anyone interested to become either as a Distributor or as an Agent of
Jurus Strum Formula, please fulfill the following terms and conditions:

Appointment of Distributor and Agent is based on First-Come-First Serve
basis. So, please hurry up while the opportunity is now open.


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